Það gengur rólega með vorverkunum að halda áfram að endurnýja heimasíðuna. Komin er uppsöfnuð þörf á fréttaflutningi. Í dag setjum við fréttir af Skyggni og Oddvita sem báðir eru staddir í Belgíu. Það var íþróttamót í Bornem um síðustu helgi. Harold keppti þar á Skyggni í fimmgangi og urðu þeir í fyrsta sæti. Glæsilegur árangur á fyrsta móti þeirra saman. Frans keppti á Oddvita í tölti og tókst vel til, urðu þeir í 9. sæti.
Hér fyrir neðan eru myndir frá mótinu.
We are making new homepage and it is not going fast along with all the work, but there is always coming some new things each day. Now we put in the newest news. It is about Skyggnir and Oddviti in Belgium. They were in competition last weekend. Harold was competing on Skyggnir frá Bessastöðum in fivegate in Bornem and they did very well. They got the first place in fivegate. Frans was competing on Oddviti frá Bessastöðum in tölt and did also well. They got 9th place.
The pictures here beneath are from a Gæðingamót competition at Breidablik in Holland, where Jói was competing on Skyggnir in A-flokkur. They got first place and also second place in 100 m pace.
Hér fyrir neðan eru myndir frá mótinu.
We are making new homepage and it is not going fast along with all the work, but there is always coming some new things each day. Now we put in the newest news. It is about Skyggnir and Oddviti in Belgium. They were in competition last weekend. Harold was competing on Skyggnir frá Bessastöðum in fivegate in Bornem and they did very well. They got the first place in fivegate. Frans was competing on Oddviti frá Bessastöðum in tölt and did also well. They got 9th place.
The pictures here beneath are from a Gæðingamót competition at Breidablik in Holland, where Jói was competing on Skyggnir in A-flokkur. They got first place and also second place in 100 m pace.
Jói fór fyrr í apríl til Bornem til að fylgja gæðingunum eftir. Hann keppti þar á Skyggni í Gæðingakeppni á Breiðablik í Hollandi. Þeir urðu í 1. sæti í A-flokki og 2. sæti í 100 m skeiði.